Thursday, January 29, 2009

Keeping Up with Insurance and Appointments

Further hindered by sinus yuck that won't go away...

I changed my cataract surgery to February 11 - hoping my sinuses will be "well" by then. Southern Eye also wanted to verify benefits for the two procedures with my insurance company - the "eye pump" to help the glaucoma - I don't remember what acronym it has - but two procedures at the same time/same incision are considered different than just one. I think they just wanted to let me know how much my part of all this was going to be and they don't have that information yet. They were going to be cutting it close.

So another week - it isn't anything crucial. The cable people worked on the reception again last night and Paul remarked how good the picture was. I said it was and it would be even better when I see only one of what's on the screen - especially print. Signs, gas prices - sometimes they look like $17.90 or such or $1.00 can appear to be $10.00.

I went ahead with my annual physical appointment for mid-March, also in Jonesboro. If I should have to postpone the eye surgery again, I didn't want to wait past the date for the annual. I try to go around my birthday each year.

This morning one of our guys fell (at home) and broke his right wrist - much like Mike's accident in December. (Mike was at work, though.) The Forrest City Medical did emergency care - temporary cast/stabilized and a sling, but there is no ortho doctor here. WD tried Jonesboro (they're having their ice problems and a lot of offices closed - this particular one was); one group in Memphis he tried wasn't taking new patients (!). He came back to my office and I called another group - Memphis Orthopaedic Group (where I've been before) - and told them it was an emergency and he needed to see someone today. Thankfully, they were able to schedule him for early afternoon and they're in our network and the hospital in our network is nearby. So he was on his way - ready for some relief! Glad I could help. That's the part of my job I love.

1 comment:

Perry said...

Sounds like you have had a busy week. I sure hope your eye surgery goes well. Having dealt with cataract surgery last summer I know how anxious you are to have this over. Stay warm!