Another year over,
A new one just begin.
So much has happened in the last year. It's too much to write in detail, but I'll summarize.
May 6 I had a pacemaker implanted. My heart now beats about 64 to 100 depending on activity, instead of 47-50 whether I was doing anything or not. I drug myself around. I was finally convinced by Dr. Johnson that I would feel better. And I do! I have so much more energy! I still have pain and down days. But a pacemaker won't exactly turn back the clock. It just keeps your pace...
In June Paul was told he had lung cancer. After scans, PET scan and other tests, treatments began August 6. The last radiation was September 17 or 18. Along with this he had four chemo treatments. All in Tupelo. 30 trips an hour and a half each way for a 10 minute radiation. The chemo part took all day on 4 Fridays. Subsequent x-rays and scans show the tumor is gone! Praise God! This week he learned his platelets are very low, but could be the result of antibiotic he took. The doctor prescribed steroids - 40 mg twice a day. Another blood work-up today and the doctor will call hopefully Monday. It was Stage 2, very small. It was called Stage 2 because of a suspicious lymph node toward the center of his chest in the lung. The main tumor was the size of the end of the little finger. Because of the lymph node, the chemo was given. He hasn't fully recovered from all the side effects; the doctor said it could be 6 months. Short of breath with exertion, like coming up our four back steps.
We have been blessed even in the midst of trials, melt-downs, anxiety, fear, unknowns. A day at a time. I still have "challenges" with pain, with being on an even keel, with keeping my composure on bad days. Someone told me recently I complain all the time. "I do not!" But, yes, I do. I'm trying to deal with back pain, digestive problems, swelled ankles and feet and resulting pain, keeping a good attitude. But I thank God for the strength I need for each day to do what needs to be done. I've done things I never would have thought possible. Faced my fears and anxiety and pulled up my BGPs. I know if I stay in God's Word I'm better, more sane, more yielding, more accepting. It's a struggle, too. I've come to accept not only the holiness but the humanity of Jesus. It was an eye opener. He knows our struggles. He was and is the human God-head. I hope I'm saying that right and with respect and reverence. He knows.
Having Sher here has been great. Nothing like having a sister near you, 14 miles away when all our adult lives shes been overseas or 600-800 miles away.
We have Oscar, who will be 15 day after tomorrow. Independent, stubborn. Aches and pains like his old humans. Doesn't play any more. Sleeps a lot. Always ready for breakfast and supper and anything he can get between. My baby. And the kitties, Thelma and Lucy - both 10 years old... So loving and home kitties. Inside a lot in the winter. In the garage which is heated just for them at night.
David is doing as well as can be expected. Which isn't real well. His balance, memory and not good. Just in September he drove Paul to Tupelo 3 times. Now I don't think he could do that. So heartbreaking.
I've been to two movies, which I wouldn't have attempted before the pacemaker. The noise and sudden light flashes bother me. But I try to wait till the previews are finished before going inside. We saw "Downton Abbey" and "Mary Poppins" (new one) this year.
Amy is doing fine. Coming to terms with relationship. More at peace. That means everything.
So this may be the last one till next Christmas, but I hope I can get something down at least every week, hopefully more often.
I do have a life and I'm thankful. I'm forgetful at times. At least some memories will be here.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
I added a roll of ribbon I've had for ages. Turned out well. Charlotte's dad Clay W made the wagon years ago. A good place for the poinsettias.
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