Saturday, October 27, 2018


Next week several from church plan to drive the Trace from here to Nashville to eat at Loveless's Restaurant.  I jut wasn't sure I was up to a 6 hour round trip plus time to eat.  Not to mention the curves, which is another major factor for seasick me. An all day affair, which sounds fun and we would get to visit with folks we don't usually.  So... Wednesday was pretty and I told Paul, "Let's take a trial trip on the Trace until and see how curvy the road is.  We can always turn around and come back."

So we did.  I took a meclazine just in case.  We drove as far as Collinwood, TN, and by that time the road had changed significantly and honestly we were both kinda tired. And I was getting a "curve" headache.  Paul stopped at the Wayne County Welcome Center there - he'd been to Collinwood and the Center before with the car club.  He told me to go look at the museum inside and he stayed in the truck with Oscar.  (He got his "ride" that day!  I even gave him a chill pill.)  So the hostess was wonderful; there were quilts on display.  I went back to the truck for me phone/camera; Paul said he knew there were quilts.  What a nice surprise from him.  Doesn't take just a whole lot to make me happy.  

So we enjoyed the bright day - the leaves are beginning to turn, not quite fall colors yet - and maybe we can go up a major highway and get off to see the Natchez Trace Parkway Bridge that spans Birdsong Hollow.  It's near Franklin, which is practically a suburb of Nashville, but it would be a beautiful sight.  

Coming back home, we took some roads and highways we'd not been on before.  Highway 13 parallels the Trace, but you can drive a little faster.  We came through Cloverdale, passed Threets crossroads and Mr. Hendrick's wall.  It was a pretty day.  We were gone about 3 hours.  My legs and back were very stiff that night, but I slept so good.

Starting out.

Tried to enhance this so it's readable...

Two of the quilts at Collinwood.

The other two.  I know at least the one on the right is hand-quilted by the Senior Citizens group.

Did not know there was a movie...

Beautiful old pieces of cabinetry.

Devil's Backbone on the left.

The hostess gave me a cutting of this.  She said it blooms pink between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Kind of like a Christmas Cactus.  Takes very little water.

The "rock" is coral.  The metal thing with the handle is an old printing press.

Corn sheller.

Outside of the Center.

On the way home.

Working on the bridge between AL and TN over the Tennessee River, which glints in tha trees.


Thursday the 20th Century Club had a little Halloween party at the Living Center; there were about 25 residents  who attended and we served cupcakes, chips, ice cream, and played Halloween Jingo (Bingo).  L-R Fredda McCune, Brenda Whitfield, Vicki Yates, Brenda Irwin, Jo Russell, me.  Fredda and I were bat wing bookends.

And my most recent Farmers Wife block.  Actually 10/26, but I'm usually a day aead of myself and I wasn't gonna change the date.  The fabric is from "Bee Creative."  Next is Blossom. 

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