We did have a sweet deacon ordination service tonight. Three new deacons. Glenda played some of my favorite hymns (piano) and she and Marjorie (organ) played a duet. Food and fellowship afterward. Of course - that's what we do! Celebrate and enjoy!
My week:
After my ENT appointment Wednesday we stopped at Super Center in Corinth... May the force be with you. I got a headache from all the lights.
My beautiful Amy, wearing the "right" shirt and cap! She and Matt were here Thursday and Friday. I miss her so much. I wish she lived here. She loves to thrift shop and brought me several nice tops, some pjs, sewing gadgets, another miniature dress form.
Evening clouds... Need rain badly.
Sher's rose bush. I'm afraid it is dying. I tried...
Sher's birthday cushion I made for her. She loves blue/yellow and sunflowers. I thought about quilting it (FMQ), but my back and shoulders just wouldn't stand up to it.
One of our bathrooms is a wreck. Water seeped from under the commode. Bad seal. I didn't know anything was wrong till I saw two tiles in front of the commode bucked up. (My bathroom.) Could have been worse. We've had a little heater on low trying to dry it out so Jimmy can re-lay the tiles. Hopefully, they can all be re-used. Hopefully, tomorrow. Always hope.
It's a mess and I'm not cleaning any of it till it's back in order. It all needs a deep cleaning anyway.
My Kenmore on its new little Gidget I sewing table. There's a leaf for it to fit into, but it's the right height for how.
Sher took a weaving class. This is her 8"x8" piece after 6 (I think) weeks or weekend classes. I love it. She gave her boss her notice to retire 12/31/18. I'm glad it's finally official. She'll be here next weekend with a load of "big" items, boxes, books, etc., and will drive straight back the next day. I don't know how she does it. Her plan is to be here around the first of the year, driving through the Smokies, if it doesn't snow. I'll be glad to have her only 14 miles away. It still seems unreal.
Brenda's Jimmy was in the hospital last week with a lung infection. He goes back to doctor Wednesday; hopefully won't have to have a biopsy. She drove to Florence and back for 6 days. The were both worn out. My dear VBF. Life can change so very fast.
Thank you, God, for always being with us.
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