Wednesday, July 02, 2014


The ablation took close to 6 hours. The procedure itself started about noon, and I was in a room by about 6:30 p.m. I'm doing well, though it seems my diaphragm is tired...Of course, there is the hiatal hernia and the reflux... But the nurses said I would be sore, and I am. Dr. Johnson's nurse Lara called Monday to see how I was doing and I told her it was uncomfortably lying down and I wasn't sleeping well.. She gave me a prescription for 4 lasix and the first day it seemed to work well, but I can't tell (3rd day today) that it has made me pee any more than usual. I've tried to be up and moving around more today. I had a migraine yesterday and had to take some med for that and slept, but was up again in an hour. Just always makes me tired. So with this and that, it's going well. I won't know about the succcess of it for 1-3 months; still have to take same meds, plus continue the Eliquis for that time. But I'm glad I had it done, glad it's over. If I hadn't, I'd never know. I want to have more stamina and enjoy some more years of a decent energy level. 

Paul and Amy were and are super. We spent the night at her house Thursday night, which after all wasn't necessary as Dr. J's office called and said my check in time wasn't until 8:30 a.m., not 5:30... But we were already in Memphis when she called... But it all worked out fine. Sandra and David were there with Paul; they arrived sometime during the morning and I was in the "holding" room, ready to be taken for a test (TEE), so Paul took my purse and left to sit with them. After that I - funny - don't remember a lot of the sequence. But I know around noon I was in the electrophysiology lab and the last thing I remember is that they were giving me something in my IV that burned. I remember the warm body-size bag of warm air underneath me (the doctors work in 58-62 degrees!), so I stayed warm... And for 6 hours they worked on making me better.

We came home Saturday morning. I've had flowers, food, cards, texts... Friends have been so sweet. Wonderful food from Fredda and Sam who brought a basket of wonderful food Sunday evening, in spite of a power outage that delayed it a bit; flowers from SS class, cards... AG made salmon croquettes for me today and I had baked some sweet potatoes, so I shared with her.

The day I had surgery, Sher began her drive to West Springfield, VA, her new home. She is moved in, and unpacking her things, so many of which I've made for her - photos, cushion covers... Makes her home sweet home and I'm glad I helped her make it so - special sisters to each other!

Amy has been so busy this week (and last) while Adam has been on vacation. At TC she has had 6-13 cases about every other day.

Paul has been busy in the yard, playing, putzing, marking the property lines, just to have it done, something to do. The "engineer" in him. Linear. He's been wonderful. I need to get Illene to clean house; hes done so much, does laundry. I should do that soon. I will overdo, when I can "do." I get pretty tired easily. But after all, it is post-surgery, not any different from any other type surgery, really. Takes time to get strength back. Little at a time.

Praying for stronger days. Praying for spontaneity - to do photo rides, trips, vacation to beach even. Stamina without afib!! What a gift... Patience...

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