Tuesday, August 06, 2013


Before - didn't use my tripod... Sher took this shot. (Mike taking a picture of her taking the picture.)

I took this one.

And - after - Photoshop copy-and-paste put me and Oscar right in there from the first pic. A Big Deal for me as this is the first time I've done it! Hmm, just noticed Aunt Ginny and I are somewhat shorter than actual, but there are not two Oscars at least.

Morgan with Tyler, me with Oscar, Aunt Ginny, Heather, Sher, Ben, Marsha, Mike, Amy, Paul, Erica, Steve, Andy and Kiley. (Absent were Matt, Steven, Jordan, Melanie, Kevin, Nate, Zack, Marissa, and Rhiana and Stewart. Twenty-six.. Mama would be proud. She always was!

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