Friday, April 19, 2013


It rained last night and is cooler today - about 60 degrees. I've had the space heater on in the office. Paul has had the gas logs on, the smothery gas logs. It does feel good for about three minutes, then I can't stay in the den.

I caught up somewhat on cleaning up email files, cropping and sending pictures to Tommy, (Kimber House where they used to live on Highway 72 West, across from Iuka Motel), revising the 20th Century Club Roster, printing that, typing the April WMU minutes (I won't be at the meeting in May since I plan to be at Sherron's), putting club members in my contacts (half don't have emails but doesn't matter - there are twelve of us and Vicky and I divide the list and contact ours for reminders, etc.). Our oldest member is 90+, our youngest I would imagine is Vicky. Now there are three from our high school class - Bren, Fredda and I - and we're some of the youngest at 65, but not the youngest. So anyway - catch-up day. Washed our sheets, walked Oscar, watched as much of the news as I could bear to, worked on the program for next club meeting - I decided to "do it myself, said the Little Red Hen," then the man I called about doing it, called me and I missed it - so we're playing phone tag. I left him a message Monday, and it's Friday. Well, I have something in mind to do if it doesn't work out with him.

Going back through old albums, some nostalgic pictures. Oh, my little baby girl! Oh, my sweet grandmother and great-aunt! Oh, old places and times! Where does it go? It all goes so fast. So very, very fast.

My sweet, beautiful baby and my sweet beautiful husband.

Paul holding on tight to Amy's hand (and vice versa), on Sally, and Daddy Nick enjoying it all!

And away we go! Still holding on. Still. "I got your back, Hot Rod."

Amy on the upper deck of the garage at the Kimberly House.

And see how we can walk down alone!

My beautiful Mama with precious, cuddle-me Amy at Shiloh. Amy was about 18 months old.

I remember when Bren bought the flower-power dress - and I remember her shoes! I'm second from right.

The rock store front. I'd forgotten the bars on the windows. That screen door was ancient, as was the inside door. "Nichols' new house" was the caption for one underneath, when this very house on CR 238 was being built. Flora Wadkins Joslin, her sister Arie Nancy Wadkins, Amy.

Flora (aka Goobie, Mama, Grandma), Joslin, me, Aunt Arie.

More of Kimberly House. These steps were to the back/side of the house. Basement windows - I remember Mama Nick used to hang clothes on a line in the winter. Amy trying to do two things at once. 

Tommy on the steps; Amy with her Easter basket; she must have been about 15-16 months old.

And such is life - a series of memories. Wonderful. Don't take them for granted. Nor the life as you live it.

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