Wednesday, October 31, 2012


What would we do without projects? 

After a round of switching and giving away dining sets, we bought this one. It seems made for the space and also has an 18" wide leaf. I'm glad the chairs all fit around without having to find a corner for the extra ones.

Paul laid a small patio off the back of the carport yesterday. I think he got a little carried away and made it five blocks wide instead of four, but that's okay. The extra blocks he used were intended for stepping blocks to the side of the yard toward the garage and where the deck will be one day. I'm sure Lowe's has a stock of these. He did a great job and it looks so good I wish we had made it even wider! He said he was going to do the whole yard so he wouldn't have to mow. I can't imagine that'd be any fun for him - either laying the blocks or not mowing - he loves mowing.

Sher and I looked at this when she was here in August. It looks sort of old, I like the angled corners like some old tables have that I've looked at on eBay and Craigslist. The chairs still have the plastic on the seats. Did I mention we have cats? Lucy plopped herself right on the corner of the table runner a couple of days ago, just like that space was made for her.

What I do for cats.

I did dust.

"Wow! Look at all this cat litter!" And Oscar seems to be contemplating the edge of the earth. It will really be nice not to have to step over damp, slick, mossy places and uneven blocks which are buried. (This is the north side of the house. And we have lots of shade.) When the house was built, the bricklayers just dumped brick pieces and buried them right there. Paul dug up the equivalent of a dozen bricks and at least one whole old concrete block. Most of the old block path still winds down toward the bird bath and compost barrel. How many trips has Mama Nick, Daddy Nick, all the family made down those "steps."

Mwaaaaa! Good doggie sugars!

 Make it straight, make it level.

One of Barney's favorite places, especially if Paul has thrown his fiber-fill jacket down. Cozy.

Voila! If we don't extend it, I'll probably put monkey grass in the corner where the green bucket is, and something less invasive (is there such a thing?) by the gas meter.

I told Paul he could do anything! "Except wire a three-way switch," he said. The one in the hallway has seen its day, so we changed both switches, but they don't sync. I got an electrical wiring book of Mike's and we've looked on YouTube. Not so easy to figure out - without a multimeter, which we don't have - but now I know about common wires and traveling wires. The wires are not colored like they should be for the switch, and these have not been changed out I'm sure in 32 years. We'll figure it out. I'm good at holding the flashlight.

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