Saturday, January 28, 2012


Some friends of ours (one of Paul's classmates, his brother and mother) sent us a condolence card this week.  I'm sure it still happens all over, but it is nice to be known by your town only. This is the way it came:

Harmony Methodist Church ladie's ministry held its annual retreat last night and this morning. Last night there were 139 or 140 and this morning about 100. Great attendance from all over the area. Aunt Ginny said the first year (this is the 8th) they had this there were about 35 women present. Our speakers gave talks about friendship - being one and having friends; and joy - a gift from God. I arrived before Carol (my sister-in-law) and sat at a table with three other ladies and the one I spoke to first happene to be one of my classmates! She actually recognized me before I did her! Jane lives in Burnsville, about 7 miles west of Iuka; her husband enjoys antique vehicles, too, and she invited us to come to one of their club meetings. So good to run into another of my classmates. We are so young, too! (This was our joke of the night.)

Last night I would not have had anyone ever to know it, but on the way home, I Got Lost. Yes, I took the wrong turn and just ho-humming along behind another vehicle thinking, wonder who they are on our county road... And... wait. a. minute. This is not The Lane! So I go on thinking I'll see something familiar, another county road marker (not east to see at night), and finally turned around... and took another wrong turn. Up. Down. No houses. Dark houses. Panicked, I called Paul - thank God for a signal, truly! I could just see me spending the night winding around those valley/hill county roads all up in the woods, lost, lost, lost... And I was seeing it first-hand! So he stayed on the phone with me until I found the "big" county road - the one with two stripes down the center and behold I came upon the Harmony Church sign again! I had made a big loop, watching my compass in the truck all the time. Paul would say, "You need to be going..." (whatever direction), and I was going the opposite. I got my bearings when I saw the Harmony sign and there was my beloved Lane, and yes, THIS is my road, and my house! My little dog! My husband! Paul said when I was at Sher's he drove all around the county roads back that way... in the day time. I told him he should try it at night. Not an experience I want to repeat. A truly terrible feeling, panic and lostness... And I thank God for getting me home safe, and for keeping my body and soul in His care! Now who did I recently tell I was really a country girl? But not a pioneer...

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