Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Early morning, Saturday or Sunday.

Sunday afternoon I sat on the carport waiting for this fellow. I set my camera lens on zoom and action whatever it's called - and fired away when he came for his nectar.

I probably made a hundred or more pictures this way. It's amazing to see their precision, quickness and ability to fly backward!

Yesterday I way overdid, and last night I paid for it. So today my major job was going delivering sale items to Bren's for their youth rummage sale fundraiser, and to the grocery store. When I got to Bren's, Jim and his brother-in-law Bob were sitting under the shade trees, "guarding them," Jim said. I bummed some tomatoes from him. I'm still amazed I can just drive out to their house.

I logged in to my library account this afternoon. They do have passwords and PINs, they have 10c a day overdue fines, and you can look at your own account to see what's due, when, renew (if not past the due date), reserve, hold. It's a little different from Cross County's website, but works much the same way, except for the fines. I'm sure that helps in getting books returned on time. It was 10c a day when I worked there 40+ years ago!

My other major job today will be to cook supper in a few minutes.

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