Sunday, April 18, 2010

In a Sunny State of Mind

Paul and I arrived yesterday evening around 6 p.m. - what a long trip and how great he drove me (and O) down here! Sher, Jordan and we went to Uncle Ernie's to eat, had a table on the deck by the water.

Paul traveled home today and got back to Wynne around 6:30 or so this evening. Sher and I went to the nursing home to visit Aunt Margaret and I'd called JoAnn, her daughter, and she was there also. I haven't seen JoAnn since 1987! Great to catch up and visit! We plan to have dinner probably Tuesday night somewhere. Sher and I ate lunch at - hamburgers and fries that were delicious. Had a short walk to the public beach. We each bought a flowy lounging dress and necklace to "dress up" and be "cool" in. She took me to Florida Linens and forced me to buy a beautiful matlisse (twin size) for a bed throw accent.

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