Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Whole New World

I am amazed to see life, see Wynne, see friends in different settings. I am amazed to be at home, to come and go without looking at the clock, or having to be back at a certain time. The clock has been my focus for so very long. I told Sher on the phone this evening that it's as if my thoughts, my mind has been set free; I'm unencumbered in a way I probably have never been before. Time with no definite borders. For a while. I don't want to get totally unfocused and waste this, but I want to enjoy time...

Today I was very busy, but I'm thinking it won't be this way all the time. I did pray for ways to be involved with others, to be of service. God opened that door right up! Shelby asked me to help serve a meal at church for a family who lost a loved one. One of the man's daughters is in our Bible study class. It was an experience being on the other side, just helping in this way. I'd say for the last several months I've had a different experience with people, and it's because I've actually had contact with them, and I've not had to plan anything or think of deadlines and compliance! And it has been rewarding, so the meal today, seeing the big family have dinner together, some making pictures, being family, was comforting to me, as I hope it was to all of them just being together. They were appreciative, but we also received a blessing, helping in a small way. Someone said, "They didn't need to go home hungry." This was a way they could all be together, comfort each other, and have a reunion, albeit on a sad occasion.

Meanwhile my friend Bren, her husband Jim, and their family has lost his mother this past Sunday, so they are grieving her passing. Again, her church, and Bren and Jim's will jointly minister to them with a meal. I know Bren is so tired, from the holidays, from being sick with sinusitis herself, from taking both her parents to doctors, from her mama breaking her shoulder. Life. Aging. Memories. Families. Love. Rest. Encouragement.

After finishing at church, I took some movies back to the Gallery, got a couple more; went to Walmart; went to the vet's to get Oscar's soapless shampoo; stopped at Sonic during the Happy Hour for a Dr. Pepper; visited the library and checked out six books, which now I hope to be able to read; and took a few things to the cleaners.

I have a few "home things" on my calendar for the next couple of days. Crossword puzzles are on my list of things to do (Jean? Help?) so I can focus and keep the old brain thinking and learning new words. But this "unlimited/timeless" feeling is so great. It's such a gift and I hope to use my time well and wisely.

So. A busy day. Paul has gone to the city council meeting, where he will give his State of the City address. I'd almost forgotten it was council meeting night. I warmed spaghetti for supper. The pets are full, Bitty is asleep in her chair, and Oscar is half on my lap, half on the couch. The laptop is beside me. The dryer is humming along, there's a clock ticking, ticking...

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