Monday, January 11, 2010

First Day

I got up about the time I usually leave for work - 7:30. After walking around and around the house looking at different things that "need to be done," I took a shower and dressed. Oscar doesn't know what to do either, it seems. He stands there waiting for something.

But then I think, I don't have to get everything done today!

The XM radio dock works great - it has about a mile of wire for the antenna and I have it temporarily strung behind the kitchen stove to the south window.

My Sunday School teacher called this morning and asked me to get an email out to class members about a meal for Debra's family. I did that, and also said I'd be there to help serve it at church tomorrow after the funeral.

I made a dentist's appointment for the 19th, my follow-up scan is the 26th. Trying to get the "check-ups" done before I go to Florida.

I emailed some of my friends at work, just little short "miss you" messages. I'll see them Thursday evening for supper at Mike's. Of course, I think of what this one or that one would be doing. Gunsmoke was on the TV in the bedroom (trying to figure out the old DVD player in there), and I thought, Tommy's eating lunch and watching this.

Yesterday afternoon we went to Amy's, Sher spending the night with her again before leaving for home this morning. We ate at Ruby Tuesday's, and Sher and I shared the chocolate cake; didn't know it also came with vanilla ice cream! We were most miserable chicks.

Bren called while I was walking Oscar later on Amy's street, and said her mother-in-law died about 5:30 yesterday evening. I told her I could come, but she said, no, just wait and we'll have some time together later. I know she's so tired, what with her daddy, her stepmom (broken shoulder), herself being sick after the holidays. Waiting in the hospital for such a grievous event is so very hard.

Fiddling with my camera on the way home last night, adjusting the shutter speed. Finally got an idea of how it actually works. Don't tell me numbers, show me first, then I can figure out sort of what the numbers mean.


Oil refinery, Memphis.

Hernando-DeSoto Bridge ("New Bridge"), take from Memphis-Arkansas Bridge ("Old Bridge")

Intersection at Marion.

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