Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday, Monday...

After church and Sunday School yesterday, Paul and I drove (he drove) to Finch, AR, north of Jonesboro, where he looked at an old truck. He didn't buy it. But this old church was near the man's house. I love old churches and cemeteries. On the way home we stopped for coffee and hot chocolate. As good as the chocolate was, it wasn't nearly as good as the brrr cold days we went to Jonesboro to see movies, when it was 8 degrees!

Her Imperiousness...Sock-it-to-me cake I baked for Tuesday, office buds. Mama Nick used to make these all the time. The recipe is still on the Duncan Hines Butter Yellow Cake Mix box.

Washed O's babies today. Green Dog has only one ear, has had surgery several times, and is Oscar's oldest toy. Orange Bone's squeaker doesn't squeak any more, but O gnaws on it anyway. He cares nothing for rubber squeaky toys, only the solf fabric ones.

I mopped the hard floors today and had the kitchen ceiling fan on to help dry. All of a sudden, POW! POW! The balloons got sucked up into the blades and whipped around! I had to cut them loose. Reminded me of a friend's incident with a fan and a paint roller...

Tonight I went to Lolly Shaver's visitation. Paul had just gotten home, so he didn't go, but probably will to the service tomorrow. The line of people was out to the street when I arrived. It's a sad occasion to see many people you don't get to see very often. She was such a lovely lady. I remember when Amy was little, she colored or wrote in a library book, and I took her and the book to the library to see Miss Lolly, so she could show her what she'd done. I don't remember what Lolly said, but she was very gentle and sweet. I don't think Amy ever wrote in another library book.

Tomorrow I hope I can meet Beck and Honey for lunch. Beck's dentist appointment is in Wynne, mine in Forrest City. I should be back in Wynne about the time she gets finished. I said I'd call her when I leave FC.

Talked to Sher; she was off today for holiday too, but was on call yesterday and today, for possible work for Haiti relief efforts. She didn't get a call, though. It's still a very desperate situation there and will be. Our SS class took donations to be sent through the International Mission Board relief effort.

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