Saturday, January 16, 2010

I've Moved to Wynne

I used to tell my friend Bren and sister Sher that I felt as though I didn't really know anything about Wynne. The times I'd be home during the week I wasn't usually out and about - just the doctor's office, or maybe school, or babysitter's when Amy was little, quick trip to the bank drive-in, or hurried stop at the library.* I knew Weekend Wynne. Today I visited Mrs. Graple Rose, Amy's first grade teacher, and Becca and Rose, and it just felt so good to not be in a huge hurry, knowing some kind of housework had to be done, or shopping, all packed into a precious eight or ten hours. I know that when Sunday night comes, I'll have another "Saturday" the next day, and the next...

The party Thursday night was so neat, as I've said. People took their time out to help me celebrate, and did a lot of work getting the cake, gifts, and reservation of the room at Mike's.

As happy as I am to be in Wynne, it's the wonderful people I'll miss seeing every day. Carolyn (left) and I have worked together 40 years (I finally counted and it was 39 years 10 months so - 40); Beck, Norma and I 20 years. Many of the other office folks have 20+ years. It's a life, that once over, you look back and say, how very blessed I was to meet these people, share their lives, have their friendship and support all these years. I hope, and I think they do, feel the same about me. It's very humbling. (Okay, Normie, it's my turn to cry.)
*Mrs. Lolly Shaver, former Cross County librarian, died yesterday, January 15. Lolly's battle was a long one, but she was always, always, upbeat and I never heard her complain. My sweet Teri died four years ago on the same date.

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