Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Rest Day

The extra day has helped. I've taken less cough medicine today and fewer Advil. I went back to bed this morning and slept a couple more hours.

The cable guy came and they do not have dual receivers, and don't know when they'll have them. Paul said he may change to Direct TV. His call since he's the one who favors LR news.

Such small worries. On the other side of the world, a few men and women are transporting rolls of pipe down a long, dangerous river by manpower, small boat and prayer. I think 54 rolls floated down this way, strapped to big tire tubes to keep afloat. The team from church probably has arrived and our prayer is for none to little jet lag, good rest times for the others also traveling and that the goodies we sent all arrive and are enjoyed.

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