Tuesday, May 08, 2007


After my imagination had completely run amuck, and after talking to Amy yesterday and hearing her concerns about how much weight Paul had lost, and after resolving to get Some Answers, I did get them. I was reassured by Dr. B, consoled by Lisa at Dr. G's office, and soundly talked to by Bren, with Scriptures. (Eph. 4:20) Details help. It helps to know this thing in Paul's arm is not lit up like headlights, is not a "hot spot." It helps to know he can add carbs - 45 more a day - to his diet. Not sugary carbs, but complex carbs. It is unlikely we will get an earlier appointment than June 1, but it also helps to know that Dr. N is a friend of Dr. G, and that's probably as soon as he could arrange Paul's appointment.
In the meantime, Paul gets to do other fun stuff, after this weekend, or possibly beginning Sunday evening. I've forgotten when the regimen begins for one to get ready for the Colonoscopy - one or two days ahead of time. The test is not bad. It's the preparation. Drinking yucky stuff and doing other unusual things to get your system ready. One of the joys of being over 50.

Thank God for doctors and tests, and for His help in waiting. I remember years ago when Amy was little I would pray for patience. I had a fridge magnet that said, "Lord, give me patience, but I want it now!" Over the years, He has helped me with this, and of course, you know, if you want patience, you must deal with trials, otherwise there is no development of it. It goes on for a lifetime. Patience with kids, patience with spouses, patience with co-workers, patience with time, patience with yourself.

Every day is a gift. Reassurance is a gift. Patience is a gift, too. Gifts must be received, and it is often very difficult to reach out to the unknown with faith and patience. But God gives all things and He gives us the ability to reach, to wait, to learn, to be thankful.

"God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." (Eph. 4:20, The Message)

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