Monday, April 23, 2007

Jean's Birthday

We met at Colby's at 7 a.m. for Jean's birthday - Jean, Carol, Charlene and I. The card I gave Jean had four old ladies in a convertible and we each identified with one of them, but the "one in the middle is Teri," someone said, Jean I think. So two of us had to be one of the others... I had to leave to go to work, sooner than I would have liked. Jean is going with Charlene with the Keenagers to Mt. Magazine State Park, which is about 4-5 hours away, across the state. I'll be glad when I can do things like that and don't have to be constantly watching someone else's clock. Only 8 more months...

Well, look at this! Four more little old ladies! Imagine that! Cute cards have nothing on us! Our well-worn crown has seen its better days. It perched precariously on Jean's head, the elastic having come loose from one side. I'll have to see what Dollar Tree has in the way of crowns and get us a new one. The old one will have to be retired, though; Teri wore it, too.

At work now... It's cloudy and I miss Teri.

The party was just too short. We should have more and longer parties...

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