Thursday, December 28, 2006

Staying With It

When I started this online in January, I had no idea I would stay with it, but here I am at the end of 2006 with several posts.

Odds and ends of the year:

Richard and Rachel (2 employees in 2 separate departments) are retiring January 5.

Tara's shower is January 13.

We had a very good Christmas and our mothers, who are doing well for their health conditions: carrying on traditions - Christmas Breakfast and Christmas Dinner (Paul's mother's, my mother's).

We didn't get the "5 of us" at Christmas. Steve refused to come, refused to "conform to everything that Christmas has come to mean." (As if he conforms to what it truly means, but that's another story and he's an adult.)

Oscar jumped in Mama Nick and Aunt Ginny's laps, much to their surprise, and probably AG's dismay.

We went to Memphis Christmas Eve and helped Amy, packed her things in our vehicle, and all rode back to Iuka together, "just like the good old days," she said.

We had way too much food.

Sher gave me a $25 watercolor brush of hers, and an Aquarelle watercolor cold press block.

We slept badly together.

I slept badly at MN's.

We had country sausage at MN's.

David helped cook and cleaned up the kitchen!

Amy and I got cashmere scarves from David and the girls.

Jess and Will have their wedding date set: July 21 (a day before what Amy and Colby's was, or I guess, "is," as they will always have a wedding date, though not anniversaries.

J. D. Davis died the day after Christmas, at age 60. In his sleep.

James Brown died Christmas Day, at 72 I think.

President Gerald Ford died the 26th, at 93.

Jordan came to Grandma's; and he and Sher went to her house in Columbus, and back.

I need to go mail a box at UPS.

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