Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Mama asked me to make those Christmas cookies. "Do you think you could?" I added that to my Friday list.

Mama used to make these all the time when we lived in the country in Alabama. Then the tradition was revived somewhat when Sher would come home from overseas, that would be one thing we always did, along with drinking Cokes with peanuts in them. For the last several years I've bought some occasionally at the grocery - not the same at all. They all turn out the very same. Some of ours would be too hard but with that almost burnt sugar taste, some with not enough cinnamon, some too soft. It isn't real easy getting them crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Other things on my Friday List includes: shopping for the ingredients (and for pecan pies, except for the pecans, which George C gave us), getting the hams sliced (the butcher department at the grocery always does this for us), baking the cookies, getting the gifts in bags, organizing by families, packing.

I'm glad I'm off the day after Christmas. I didn't know for a couple of weeks, but apparently the scheduling was fine with my boss and they'll have enough people to keep the place going!

So looking forward to time with family - the Christmas Breakfast at Mama Nick's, dinner at Mama's Christmas Day, Christmas Eve at Mama's although we won't be doing the big family gifts this year, by mutual agreement. Just eating, snacking, maybe watching a movie.

And eating Snickerdoodles.

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