Monday, August 21, 2006

CPR Training

Who would have thought it would be so good to know this for a dog? We talked about this in the classes at different times I've takent the training - how people have saved pets. Fortunately, I knew how to do it. Fortunately, thank God, it worked! I think it did. Maybe he barfed it up, but I sure was helping all I could! Oscar was at the end of a rawhide rollup and munching and slurping around on it and I was watching him! I really was! And it happens as fast as with a child - all of a sudden the panic of the cough, the straining to get it out, out! And I tried my best to find the right spot on his stomach, below his ribs and started pulling up hard. It seemed to take for-ever! Was it working? Was he dying? Would he go limp in my arms? Was I doing any good at all? "Paul," I called in a fairly normal voice, or maybe I was so scared it only came out small and soft. Finally, Paul said, "There it is in his mouth, get it out." A triangular piece of slimy rawhide. Oscar gets in such a hurry. And all the time I was taking it out of his mouth, he was trying to sniff around on the floor to see what he'd lost! Dogs!

After I got over my shock and my arms and legs stopped feeling like Jell-o, and I could breathe normally again, I gathered the little rascally dog up in my arms and hugged him like a child. He stayed very still. He seemed to know.

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