Sunday, February 05, 2006


Forty-nine years ago today my Papa died in his back yard in Memphis, working on some kind of trailer to make yet another trip "out west." He was only 62. I was only 9. I will always remember that time of my life and the date because I loved him so much. He never got to make that last trip out west, where his heart seemed to be all his life. Since I've been an adult and have learned a little history and gotten some perspective on life, I realize that he grew up around the turn of the century when there was still a relatively wild west, when men still looked for gold, when there was only Route 66 through the desert (where I can remember spending the night in a car!). He was still working on his dream when he was suddenly called home to Heaven. As far as I know he didn't suffer long, though I can remember that he had not felt well sometime that week, or the day before, time being of no consequence to an 8-year old. But from that time on, time meant something to me. I've marked that anniversary for 49 years.

Richard came to church this morning and I know it's one of the hardest things he's ever done. I hope he will continue to be there and also in Sunday School; we will encourage him. He was emotional several times, and the overhead pictures with the chorus words again showed the person with outstretched arms in the sunset/sunrise; the same ones they used January 22, the first Sunday after Teri died. For some reason we didn't have "greet one another" today, and I suppose that's a good thing after all, because he and I would have probably broken down sobbing.It was hard enough to sit there and, again, dab at my eyes and nose, both of which threatened to overflow at any second. He was the same way. It took great courage, and the grace of God. Another first for me and Paul as well, being there the first time he returned to church services. (Talmadge, in the pew in front of us, did a very gentlemanly, kind thing - shook his hand and patted his knee. No words necessary.)

Three of the TBs went to the cemetery and visited Teri around 1:00. This is three weeks since she died. I took 5 shells from Gulf Shores and we each put one around the vase of now-dried flowers that is still there, such a pretty vase.The flowers have kept their color even though they are dry now. Charlene was sick and couldn't come, so it was me, Jean, and Carol. The fifth shell was on behalf of our Junior TB Tara.

The Super Bowl is on tonight, but I really believe I will go to church. This day can mark another time - the time I started going back at night. I need it; I need the people, the music, the preaching, the humor of Brother Matt, the routine, the Scriptures.

Thank You, Lord, for anniversaries, for times that mark what's so important to us, that help us look back, and look forward.

Footnote: I didn't make it to church. I was so tired, I sat in my recliner with the heating pad on my feet and a throw all the way up to my chin. I set another new first: sitting all the way through a Super Bowl - #40: Pittsburgh Steelers 21, Seattle Seahawks 10

Maybe next week? God willing.

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