Sunday, September 06, 2015


Sher went to the Library of Congress 2015 Book Festival Saturday, second year in a row, and I "tagged along." I watched some on LOC.ORG and actually saw her in the audience where Cokie Roberts was speaking! I managed to get a screen shot, which was pretty amazing, too. She always picks things up for me, including this year's theme poster, which I'll have laminated and put under 2014's. I'm running out of wall space in the office, which is ok, because I wanted to not have this gold wallpaper in here. Sher's right in the middle in the pink T-shirt. The National Book Festival was begun in 2011 by First Lady Laura Bush. It was held September 8. Three days later 9/11 happened. The world changed. The Book Festival continued annually.  

This year's poster

Several days ago I saw a post on FB some kittens needing a home. At that time, of course, we still had Barney. I couldn't remember whose page it was on. Yellow kittens. I mentioned to Bren and she said her friend Theresa Choate Smith had cats and would tag me. I looked at Theresa's page and lo and behold it was those kittens! Theresa is my FB friend, and I don't know why, unless through Sher or Brenda. As it turned out, both yellow kittens were female and I didn't take either one. And as it turns out, Thelma and Lucy seem to be adjusting. I've seen them actually sitting together in a chair on the carport. I let Thelma in pretty often and she sleeps in the office on the rolling cart. Sometimes I bring Lucy in because she won't go past Oscar.

My back is in a wad this morning. Paul had a bad stomach ache last night. Neither of us felt like going to church. It's nearly 11:00 and I'm still in jammies. I like to never went to sleep last night. Finally gave in and took an Aleve, and then one-half xanax, which I hate to do. I finally slept, after my legs calmed down. I can nap and they don't do that. At bedtime, though, they start with the nerve spasms. I did some stretching exercises, but they just made by back more sore. I don't know what to do. Maybe chiropractor. Maybe Emily Wadkins at the Wellness Center can help... Everything I do that in any way pulls on that side (left) leaves that sciatic nerve in one gigantic fizz. It burns, it won't be still. The injection helped a lot for about a week. I can't sleep till after 11:00 so maybe I should just start staying up until then. 

Going to go put on some fresh purple hull peas. Cornbread, mac/cheese, maybe chicken breast. Need to get some organic at Kroger or WM Supercenter.

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