Friday, March 16, 2012


We've had so many projects going on and everyone we have called either for work, help or estimates has been here to work, help or measure without delay.

In the past two weeks lumber has been delivered, including 27 trusses for Paul's garage; house flooring chosen, order made; front porch jack-hammered out and repoured, garage begun with two stud walls standing upright (and Paul put in the back door I encouraged him to). Estimates for window glass (double-pane) is forthcoming, but measurements have been made. Nine windows need replaced - not the frame; when I say replaced I mean only the glass. (I have no idea how they get the gas between the panes.) Yesterday, when I was in Dennis, MS, for a Red Hat lunch, I did double duty and found the brick yard for possible brick replacement for front of the house. We knew nothing would match - and we learned that bricks are not as big as they used to be anyway. After we talked about it and I asked Sher what she thought, we decided to go with cedar, which Paul is working on right now. (After I showed Oscar it was Paul on the front porch hammering, he finally stopped barking.) I washed all the outside windows that had not been washed last fall, about 8 or 9. (There are 17 windows in this house!) And I stopped to see how much re-screening screen windows would cost. Hmmmm. I think we can manage that ourselves. And the roll of screen is almost half the price at the lumber yard as at the hardware store. You can almost breathe on the old screens and they fall apart.  I'm lobbying for a new front door with glass, but that may have to wait...  With the cedar, there is a contrast at least, it doesn't look like we tried to match brick and totally missed the mark, and if we should ever paint the house (another dream of mine but not high on the to-do list), the cedar can be painted also. Or not. Extra insulation will go behind the cedar.

It rained this morning, so Paul had a good dry place to work on the front porch. Dogwood trees all around the house are in opening stages. I think I counted at least 15 last year, just immediately around the house.

So here is some progress, in somewhat the order they occurred. I make a lot of pictures and don't download them often enough...

Some of my fabric... 

Spring rain...

Trees in the drips...

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