Thursday, February 11, 2010

Colors Galore?

I went to Amy's yesterday, or came here, since I'm still here. Last night she and I ate at Buckley's on Poplar, which is a really great little restaurant. It's just east or Corky's, on the south side of Poplar. It was a little late when we ate so we split a pitite filet and it was melt-in-your-mouth tender. This morning she and I ate at Bailey's on Summer Ave (no website that I could locate). I had a carb-loaded bowl of grits, scrambled eggs, cheese and bacon. Absolutely wonderful! Stopped by Memphis Mortuary where she had filled in for the owner/manager for a couple of months and visited a few minutes. On to grocery-shopping. Oscar was so glad to see us when we got home he was just aquiver! I thought he was cold at first, but every time I said a word, he would shake!

We got vegetables at Easy Way, all veggies and fruits, near Amy's, and some F.R.O.G. Jam which is fig, raspberry, orange and ginger. The checker said it was really good, so I got some for us. Loved the colors and price signs. Well, of course, I had my camera! But Amy's laptop wants to format the disk and if it formats the disk, it will erase everything. So. Imagine all the pretty fruits and veggies, and later, the hundreds of Valentine balloons floating aloft at Dollar Tree. Maybe a picture gallery later...

I got Emmy a Barbie birthday gift for her party Saturday, which we hope to attend. She'll be three! Where have three years gone!?

I hope the snow that's forecast stays very, very far away...

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