Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not in the Plans...

I went to the doctor this morning, and before last night around 8:00, I had no intention of going. But I seemed to develop a full-blown UTI. Chills, backache, all that... Slept fitfully, not warm. I called for an appointment this morning and fortunately my doctor was in today and I could see him before noon.

First week of retirement, and already in the doctor's office.

I missed seeing Dave Brown (Channel 5 Memphis weather man) speak at Keenagers today. Polly had called this morning, also Charlene and I missed both calls. Maybe next month I can go for the meeting and program. I got to hear Mr. Brown a few years ago at EACC when he spoke there. I called Polly this afternoon and Keenagers meets the second Thursday around 10:30 for potluck. I've always enjoyed being with older people - and now I'm one of them!! I'm sure some of them can outdo me any day, though.

Tonight I'm going to meet office folks at Mike's for a supper/party for moi! Gosh, I've missed them, and it's just been a week! Wish Paul had been here to go, and Amy may or may not get to be there. But that's okay; I think the "big" one will be later. Then I slowly fade into the background... I called my former boss this afternoon and he had heard "rumors" he said. He and his wife are both 86 and were at our Christmas party last month. He was and is a great gentleman and was a very good boss. Co-op gets in your blood, I guess; electricity gets in your veins. There's nothing like working at a utility and electric cooperatives are some of the very best places to work. I was very blessed when we moved here to get a job there so fast, and able to return the time I left, too. But you know in your head and your heart when it's time to let things go, and I'm glad we were able to go into the next "phase" of life. (No pun intended...)

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