Sunday, May 31, 2009


I found out who my Secret Cat-Book Friend is - Charlene! It was a late birthday present. Thanks, Charlene!

In our Sunday School class this morning we talked about the importance of friends (as well as the lesson from our book) and how we need to make time for them, actually schedule time, as Stephanie and others say they do. Stephanie voiced a thought I've had so often - the older we get, the more we need the support of our friends and need to stay connected. When we were younger we stayed connected through our kids and their activities, but the older we get (at least in my case, I find), I tend to isolate myself because after working a full day, all I want to do is be at home after 5:00! And when life's challenges present themselves, it takes extra energy to deal with them. But friendship is one thing I don't need to let fall by the wayside. I'm thankful for my friends here, for Bren, and for Sher. In fact, Saturday Sher and I talked longer than we have since she moved to Florida.

Bren, this is for you - a quick walk around my back yard. I know what your "yard" looks like (smile), so here's a little snapshot of what mine looks like. And believe me, if it weren't for Paul, it would not be this manicured, neat and tidy!

We've had Oscar three years today!

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