Sunday, June 29, 2008

Peaches and Frank Lloyd Wright

Oscar is lounging on the patio in the sun with the breeze ruffling his ears, being as content as only a dog can be. Such a life.

Friday when I got home, I had already decided not to do anything I did not want to the whole weekend. So I stayed in bed most of yesterday, napped, read, and tried to get rid of this nagging cough.

I went through the Vingate Album thoroughly and made several pictures. The whole thing needs to be scanned and preserved, but it is so fragile. There are some letters in it dated 1860, 1861 and forward. Whoever this lady was, she had a plan. She finished it or ran out of room to add to it when she was in her early 20's, having already received a teaching certificate and a Draughn's Business School certificate. I wonder if she and "Roy" ever got together... I made pictures of it throughout, some overall and some close-up. Haven't downloaded them yet so I don't know how well they turned out.

For lunch yesterday I opened one of the remaining cans of fruit from Mama's and ate half of that. Of course, I saved the label.

Here is the collage I made of the t-shirt Sher sent me, the tag from it, and old FLW wrapping paper I had. Mama had some frames I'd saved and just on top was the right size and color for this.
Thanks, Sher, for thinking of me in Annapolis.
Thanks, Mama, for the frame and the peaches.

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