Sunday, December 30, 2007


Some of my "resolutions;" wishes would be a better word:

1. Declutter
2. Be well
3. Eat better
4. Away with False Guilt
5. Jesus, more of Jesus, in my life
6. Relax/chill out/don't worry - most of it is pretty small stuff
7. Do good to others whenever possible
8. Write more
9. Have fun - be creative - make some messes

Shall we analyze the list?

Declutter - magazines, books, saved articles, papers, cards... After going through Mama's things, and still needing to finish this task, I know the answer to the question: "Who wants all this stuff after I'm gone?" I mean, I want Mama's. I just don't have room for it, and it won't mean as much to anyone else as it did her. And she was just as afraid to throw things away as I am? And why? She left it all here, in the end. There is no way Amy will/can go through all my stuff, because I'm so much worse than Mama was - and Amy's love of papers, stationery, paints, pens, books, seems to have grown exponentially with her generation. We collect it and it is ours and sometimes we even forget we have it. Isn't simplicity much simpler?

Be well - right now I'm taking the second round of antibiotic in as many weeks' time - the first didn't knock out the sinus infection; hopefully this round will. Pick back up on my shoulder exercises. Walk Oscar when it isn't nose-freezin' cold outside. (Stubborn little monkey - he is so engrained to poop while on a leash, he won't go alone in the back yard. Rarely.)

Eat better - too many carbs. Need to take a lesson from Paul. Need to get ten pounds off. Not going to buy another wardrobe of pants and jeans.

Away with False Guilt - let It be. Whatever It is.

More of Jesus - I need the group; I need the commitment of a place, time. I need structure. He knows this. Help me find it, Lord.

Chill out - not the same as false guilt. Just don't get expectations so high that I'm constantly disappointed in myself, in work, in others. Let others be. Let myself be. A lot of this comes from Lessons Learned at Christmas. This was a different kind of holiday this year. Mama was not there as our anchor, our place to be. We had a good Christmas, but it was different and once I accepted that, it was more peaceful.

Do good - Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can. ~ John Wesley

Write more - Every day if possible. The last couple of years, this has been the main repository of what I've written. No, that's not so. Emails have been a big part of that, especially between me and Bren. I miss hadwritten journals. Take that up once again. Now, which lovely, pristine journal shall I use? And do I finish the one(s) I'd already written in? That leads back to No. 6, and possibly Nos. 1, 2, and 4.

Creativity - Part of No. 8. Art journals. Make use of creativity ideas in my favorite magazines and books. Not the ones I'm decluttering, but the ones I really do intend to use!

Happy New Year!

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