Thursday, August 09, 2007

Another Catch-up

Since Amy's dilemma with the allergic reaction, from which she recovered fairly quickly, thank goodness:

I went to see Mama and Sher for Sher's birthday. That was a quick trip, but good to be with them. I got to see Steve and Mike, Marsha and Benjamin. Dropped by Mama Nick's and Aunt Ginny's. Left some books on Bren's deck since she wasn't home. Stopped at two bookstores (going and returning home).

The next week Mama was in the hospital with breathing difficulties and fluid build-up. She is home now, and home health will be visiting her. I also checked on having meals delivered, asked the power company to note on her account that she is on oxygen, and I actually got to talk to her doctor. He and his partner are in a new clinic and he is Mama's new doctor, Dr. D having retired. Dr. G took time to actually answer at his office and later talked to me when he was in Mama's room and she was on the phone with me.

These hospital visits may become frequent, but I hope not. Mama needs to stay completely out of the heat, I don't care how "cool" it is in the mornings. In our area, with the head index, the temperatures have reached 108. I seldom go out at lunchtime, instead bringing my lunch and at times even hovering over my space heater. Isn't that the most ironic thing? They keep it so cool in the office we have to have long sleeves and heaters, they practically disintegrate from the heat when we go outside. So Mama absolutely doesn't need to be outdoors. Dr. G also mentioned at-home physical therapy for her, which she enjoyed last time (3 years ago). I think it is that people are coming in, visiting, taking care of her that makes her feel better.

I don't know whether to go home this weekend. The next weekend is Lily's birthday at Bren's. I could take off next Friday and have a longer weekend, not feel so rushed. I'd get to visit with Mama, go to Bren's and possibly even see David. Paul's shoulder has been bothering him again so I don't know how he'll feel or what he wants to do about that. (I see an MRI on his horizon, possibly steroid injection, hopefully not surgery... But mine worked great, so you do what you have to do.) So if Mama seems okay today I probably will wait until next week and take off an extra day. It'll be after payday too!

Work is going swimmingly! There are so many deadlines, I don't know where to start doing what. New life insurance supplemental coverage that employees can choose from, Wellness Program deadline, Medical Plan (no changes, but 2-year rate lock-in?), open enrollment for our 125 Plan, plus demos of HRIS programs, payroll changes (always). Plug in doctor appointments, grocery shopping, sleeping, walking Oscar, trying to keep up with my SS lesson and weekly Bible study, which at times seems to go in one day and out the next, and yes, I do need a couple of days off.

And I ordered a new free cell phone (Rzr, $50 rebate) which I'll need to have activated, buy a case and car plug for, and learn how to use. "They" said they can copy all my old phone numbers onto the new one. I sure hope so. If not, that's another thing to squeeze into my spare time.

What was I thinking?

Me, Mama and Baby Seester Sher at Mama's, July 29.

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