Thursday, July 05, 2007

What a Good, Good Day

Was thinking at 4:00 what a long day this would have been at work - think of that - how long we're there! On a weekend I'd have taken a nap, but I was up before 6 this a.m. and here I'm still at it!! But see, rested when I wanted to, went where and when, ate what I wanted. I love this!! Love it, love it!!

And I have another vacation day tomorrow! Paul and I are going to Jonesboro tomorrow afternoon and will eat supper there. Jean has something to do tomorrow night and I haven't checked with Richard, but this is a vacation day, so we're just going and doing. My list of stops include: Barnes and Noble, Office Max, Hobby Lobby, Penney's (their purses are on sale and I would like to have a red one, which seems to be "in" this summer.) I'd also like to see if we could find a small table for the patio and maybe a couple more chairs. Now's a good time since after-the-4th summer sales have started.

Today I took three bags of books to the library to recycle - they may be able to shelve some; others will go on the Quarter Table. A bag of magazines to the workshop. At Wal-Mart I got 2 three-drawer storage units for the utility room and cleaned off the two wooden bookcase shelves that everything had been stashed on, threw away outdated cans of stuff. I went to Oakwood Jewelers for Donna's earrings and Johnny said he could order the stones and set them in the white gold as she wanted. I had a budget, from work, and he said he could probably do 1/4 karat, possibly 1/3 karat.

When I go back to work Monday I have to get Donna's invitations done. She didn't have a huge list - she started with 33 and I asked her to give me some more names and addresses. I think then there were something like 45, plus the employees. That'll be a good number. I have to order flowers; I already have a guest book, one I ordered from eBay when I ordered Richard's. This seller had 4 small Hallmark guest books and I bought all of them.

Brenda's youngest grandson had a reaction to some home made ice cream last night. Thank goodness her daughter-in-law Cindy is a nurse and immediately gave him Benadryl.

Paul grilled hamburgers tonight. I cooked a few strips of bacon for our own bacon/cheeseburgers. He's really good at building that fire and the meat cooks just right!

Oscar does the strangest, scariest thing sometime: When he gets really agitated and I guess feels threatened he nearly hyperventilates. He's done that about 3 times since we've had him. He and Paul were playing "handsies" tonight and suddenly it got rough and Oscar went into almost attack mode. I guess his wolf-adrenaline kicks in. He panted for the longest and his little heart was beating 90 to nothing. It scares me - I think he's going to pass out or have a heart attack!

...Amy just called. The man at Roller had emailed her that he will be out of town tomorrow and will reschedule her interview next week. Good thing she checked her email and didn't drive all the way to Little Rock! As for Walnut Ridge, that'll probably be Monday.

Have started reading A Thousand Splendid Suns. It's really good. Jean said she'd already read it, and last week read about five of the #1 Ladies Detective Agency books! Well, she is already retired and they are pretty quick reads.

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