Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Our 18-year old washer finally fizzled out today. Tina, being forwarned about turning the timer knob, told Paul it just wasn't spinning the water out of the clothes. I knew it had been taking longer for them to dry. A simple thing like washing a load of clothes had become a chore - but our inner timer let us know how long to let the tub spin. Our subconsciouses are programmed to the cycles and before long we would realize that we needed to go turn the knob for the next phase. (Well, it sure beat boiling a kettle of water in the yard and washing clothes on a rub board! Not that I've had to do that lately, but Goobie did and I had seen her do that - a fire under a black iron kettle, water drawn up from the well in the yard and seeing her stir sheets in the steaming sudsy water. The rinse "cycle" was no easier. Strange that I think of this now: I only saw her do that a few times. Where was I when she did it every week, and not only sheets, but our other clothes? Did she take them to the laundromat in town?)

I am thankful for my washer and dryer. I've looked at top and front loading models, Maytags, Whirlpools, Kenmores. We've only had 2 Kenmores and they've served us well over 38 years. We bought this last one in 1989 or 1990. The first one was the only appliance we owned outright in our little rented house and Paul paid for the installation of it. We grew tired of putting quarters in the laundromat washers and waiting for them for probably an hour or more. (One of the first times I went alone, I put the quarters in and waited and waited. I checked to see if they were through and the washing powder was still sitting there dry on top of the load! I was so "green" I didn't have sense enough to push in the quarter mechanism to start the washer!) Some of the washers and dryers now will do laundry for a family of 14 in one load! Beautiful designer models. But we will stick with the little utilitarian model: it fits in the space we have for it, there are only 2 of us (and a dog); and we can afford it!

I'm sure the washer lady above would have loved this!

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