Friday, July 28, 2006

All Creatures Great and Small...

Oscar got a haircut yesterday and he looks so neat and clean! Mary Ann did a great job and she's in town, so it' s more convenient. Well, Paul has to take him and pick him up, so it is convenient for me, and I don't have to bring him all the way to Forrest City with me and leave him all day. I got him a new "baby" yesterday, but he also wanted his old doggie baby, so I sewed his neck back together and Oscar was a happy camper. He lined his two dog buddies up next to the back door so they could look outside - tell me I don't have a smart dog! Bitty is not as touchy about Oscar being close, but only a sniff away - nothing too friendly! She still won't come into the house and I give her treats at the back door. She has always been a stand-offish kind of cat, not one to obsess with being petted or having to be in your lap. She's her own cat-self. Oscar is happy with that - he gets near enough to sniff the tip of her fur and then he's on about his business (when I take him out on the leash/halter).

A good co-existence. Don't we pray the world would be as peaceful?

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