Thursday, April 06, 2006

Building Playhouses

Oh, to be stable! I try. I really do.

The best I've felt in a while was due to the cortisone injection for my sciatica just before my trip to Mama's (where I spent a wonderful 4 days). I was high for about 10 days, felt so good, soooo gooooood - cheerful, agreeable, energetic, like a new person. I wondered when the crash would come, or if, hopefully, this was "the new me" I'd been waiting for. But crash it did.

After flinging myself around Hobby Lobby, Michael's and Sharri's Discount Art Supply last weekend, and after trying to reorganize tons of CD's, old albums, books, and odds and ends I think I cannot live without, my back was hurting again. This time up around my neck and shoulders. A little Advil here, a little Motrin there. Yesterday morning it was not just one of these pain relievers, but two - I had to throw in an Excedrin! By the time 9:00 A.M. rolled around at work, I was having major dizziness. I couldn't move my head without the room spinning around. I've had vertigo before and I thought that could be it, but I was more sure it was probably the mix of ibuprofen, caffeine, aspirin, and whatever else is in those pills.

I sat in the ladies' room for about an hour, with Norma (bless her heart, not the first time she's sat with me through being sick) right beside me. Then she took me home, Carolyn following to bring her back to work. After dozing in the recliner for a few minutes I decided to just see if I could lie down, and I could, without spinning off the bed. My head was fine. I slept for 2 hours. Last night I slept better than I had in weeks. I only had to get up once at 11:00.

Moderation. In all things moderation. Even - especially - moving stacks of stuff from one hidey-hole to another. Now if I can just get those paints, pens, papers and various and sundry other "arty" things organized, then I can really be an artist! Reminds me of what Sher and I used to to as kids - build our playhouses, make them all neat, tidy, have all the right "walls" built, the "right" dishes (tin cans for glasses and their sharp lids for plates and never a thought I'm sure about tetanus shots!), and then go off and play cowboys or ride our bikes or some other rough and tumble game. But leave the little playhouse and don't mess it up...

When'm I gonna learn to play in my playhouse?

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