Sunday, September 26, 2010


My co-worker (former co-worker, actually) James McMahan and Britni Cartillar were married yesterday at the Church of Christ in Marion, that pretty little white church on Highway 64. I rode with Mrs. Ermaline Eans, whose granddaughter Hannah was an honorary maid of honor. I've always wanted to see inside and the interior of the church is just as pretty as the exterior. The ceremony was sweet, the bride shed tears of joy and probably nervousness; the couple joined a Unity Cross, which is the first I'd seen, and it was a meaningful part of the ceremony. Afterward there was a lovely reception - actually a catered dinner! - in a beautiful draped tent on the church grounds. Miss Ermaline and I were expecting cake and punch, but there was that and more, catered by "Rollin' in the Dough" (Judy Brewer and staff): baked chicken wrapped in bacon, roast beef, vegetables and fruit. There was a three-piece music ensemble, too - a family whose name I didn't get. I felt as if I were in a movie. James and Britni and their families were very gracious hosts to their "first dinner."

I only had my phone camera and didn't get many pictures, but they turned out pretty well. Wish I had a closer one of the couple. James took Tom Snider's place at Woodruff when Tom retired and I have only met Britni a few times, at Woodruff's Christmas parties and such, but a very lovely girl. I do remember having her sister Megan in Sunday School a few years ago! (But how do they grow up so fast?)

There were "fall favors" for guests, as well: a leaf-shaped bottle of maple syrup, a four-color ink pen with James and Britni's name and date, which we used to complete pages for a memory book for them; a box of candy corn. Very thoughtful.

Miss Ermaline and I listened to the last part of the last quarter of the Arkansas/Alabama game on the way home.

Paul was at Starkville and his Bulldogs beat Georgia's Bulldogs 24-12. He drove up to Iuka and spent the night with Mama Nick afterward. So glad he's not driving all that way home again, especially after late games. He got home about 3:00 today after visiting with his mother, Aunt Ginny and his brother David.

Mrs. Eans and granddaughter Hannah.

Jim and Cathy Cook.

Gale Martinson (middle of picture) who helped with serving. Britni's mother is in the wheelchair, having broken her leg a few weeks ago. What a trooper!

The tent was elegant, enhanced by the music and a soft fall breeze.

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