Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Price of a Room

I was glad Paul stayed over in Tupelo after last night's game in Starkville. I've been telling him he should stay over after those late games, and he finally did last night. Otherwise, it would have been 3 or 4 a.m. before he got home! This way, he had a nice room, a Continental breakfast and a nice sunny morning to drive home. Alas, the Dawgs lost to Florida (29-19).

Usually we go to first church service at 8:30 and I got up in time, but I decided to go to the later service after Sunday School. I felt less hurried and I have to get up so early during the week, it was just nice to drink my coffee and read part of the paper this morning.

I had birthday calendar money to deliver to Maxine White and found her in her SS room. I took our prints of class pictures, and posted the 5x7 on our bulleton board. Stephanie taught this morning as Shelby's out of town. As I was leaving church I ran into Lance Daniels and his son Jordon, whom I've not seen since he was 8 or 9 years old. He's as tall if not a bit taller than I am. So good to see them. Teri's nephew and great nephew.

Paul was home when I got home from church; I heated the soup I made yesterday. I decided to return the kitchen area rugs to Walmart I got yesterday. (Oscar was sort of listless or something yesterday - quiet - and I thought: he didn't have a back door rug! He loves to lie at the back door and look out, though I'm not sure what he can see from that vantage point - maybe car wheels... And he was happy Paul was home, too.)

I napped but woke up too soon - I think O jumped off the bed. Got up and looked at Amazon a bit - Alexander McCall Smith has new books coming out soon: La's Orchestra Saves the World, and The Unbearable Lightness of Scones. Also a new Isabel Dalhousie (series) book The Lost Art of Gratitude was published in September. His #1 Ladies Detective Agency series is great.

Bitty is seldom talked about but she's always in the background, on top of my or Paul's truck, climbing over the back fence, visiting the neighbors and occasionally driving Oscar crazy by waiting for her treat at the back door, or just inside, while I put the cat food in a bowl. She's 13 1/2 and has never been a cuddly cat; but she knows where home is, and we love her.

Fall color ~

Finally got the philo trimmed and inside; doesn't look too bad and takes up much less space. Now if I only had room for three large beautiful ferns...

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