Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week Behind...
Thursday Amy drove us to Mike's and we met Beck, Norma, Carolyn, Mollie and Wesley, and Cody for lunch. The hit of the group was little Kaylin Davis, who was born July 28. I think Mollie and Wesley are just a little proud of her!

Friday we... We... I don't remember. Painted, I think. Oh, I talked to Bren. That's what comes of not having a schedule. Oh, well, it was nice. Oh, she made her great hamburgers and fries for lunch! Mazzio's Pizza for supper...

Saturday we did more of the same. I have been doing my exercises with the band and what Will in PT had given me to do at home. Paul and Amy went grocery shopping. In the afternoon Paul drove us all around Wynne making pictures for the new city website - city-related entities: city hall, fire department, police department, the city parks, sports complex, etc. The house we used to live in - from 1969 to early 1974 is across the street from one of the parks. We rented from John Garner and this is on Cottonwood.
Today Paul and Amy went to early service at church and I went later to Sunday School. We had a great group (Amy came also) and we discussed favorite Psalms. Next week, we'll begin in our new books. But the Psalms - they're just wonderful and I'm so glad God gave them to us for comfort, encouragement and guidance. One of my favorites is Psalm 91.

This afternoon Paul redid his "Mustang Stable" sign over the garage with his woodburner he got at Michael's last week. Looks really nice. The other sign had faded over the years. He made the sign originally when he restored the '65 Mustang.

I had a scare this morning, good thing I didn't actually see it happen. Just after Paul walked Oscar, Amy went out to take care of her dogs in the back yard and Oscar sneaked out right past her! He was at Pauley when she saw him and screamed, "NOOOOOOOO!" Thank goodness it wasn't Moe he was headed for! They've only met "face-to-face" once before at Amy's and it wasn't good. Oscar thinks he's as big as they are, they're on his territory, and he's big enough to show them what for! Pauley would probably be okay, but Moe is a true hunter - zones in and gets his prey, kind and gentle though he is with Amy and everyone. He would have Oscar for breakfast. As I said, I'm glad I didn't see it.

Tonight Amy and I went to church and the Lord's Supper was served. Brother Matt preached on Romans 8 - there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ! He's challenged us to memorize Romans 8 this year. After the service, Amy visited with Nikki Garner and her family; I can't believe her oldest son is 12! It's like I'm Rip Van Winkle - all these little kids have grown up so fast and I didn't even realize it. We also visited with Billy and Sue Garner and they had pictures of Christy's children - the oldest of whom is nearly 17! Billy's surgery is in 12, well, I guess 11 days now. Very serious - an email I got from someone (prayer request) said a 2-day surgery.

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