Friday, May 29, 2009

There Is Nothing Under My Desk

I am a pack rat. I know that. Most everyone who knows me realizes that, too. Especially poor Paul. The house bursteth at the seams. That's my next declutter project.

But this week, because I've been training someone as a backup and because they will be in my office for a while, I decided to get rid of "stuff." So I put all that important stuff in the back of my truck and goodness knows what I'll do with it when I decide to take it out at home. Paul said, "You know the Little House and the garage are full." I do. I hope to pare down to only one container. Things like extra batteries, lipsticks, notepads from meetings and Admin Assist Day for several years, straws... My goodness. Who saves straws? I even vacuumed in my office because my door is locked after hours and who else is there to do it?

Everything is nice and neat. There is an echo when I walk in.

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