Thursday, May 21, 2009

Me, Too, Kris!

I have watched Americal Idol all of probably 4 times now, once during the first season, and the final three shows this season. I wanted Kris to win, but up till the time Ryan Seacrest announced it, I was really expecting him to say Adam Lambert. When he said, "Kris Allen," I was as surprised as he was!

I don't think I could take a whole season. Biggest reason, I just don't usually watch series programs; I never know if I'll be able to keep up with them, and don't want to feel obligated to stop everything and watch. But since my buddies at work talk about who was eliminated and who stayed I decided to at least see who they were talking about.

Very proud for Kris and his family. I hope he stays the same as he appears to be right now - unassuming. In fact, it was almost as if he thought they'd made a mistake and said it should have been Adam. He seems to be a very sweet, kind young man and I hope celebrity will not affect who he is.

Oh, and I was glad to see Rod can still sing, though I thought he did look as if he's slowed down quite a lot. (Haven't a lot of us?) But he has a tour coming up, so..

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