Thursday, April 09, 2009


I've always been a list-keeper. I probably have been OCD about lists and made lists of lists. Lately, my lists seem to take wings and fly away or mysteriously jump from one block on the calendar to another. This morning I was still on yesterday's time; I went to work 30 minutes early to set up our meeting room for CPR classes - well, to get the refreshments arranged, coffee made. I took my CPR folder with me. Eight o'clock and no instructor. Called his cell number, no answer, left a message. By 8:15 I decided I should look at the sign-up roster and there in black and white was the start time: 8:30. Gary arrived on time, everything was set up early and I am back on the right time in this date's square.

There are too many calendars and too many appointments. I had thought of starting the other wellness program in conjunction with the health screenings (wellness program) we started this month. I can see now that it was a wise decision to save that for probably the cool fall months. I can only juggle so many plates. And keep up with just so many lists.

Then I was just handed a letter saying there was a meeting on a date of one of our meetings, and I first looked at the wrong date block. No, not that date - the day before. Okay. Yes, our meeting will be over by the time this other event starts. No problem! Finish there, close the door, go to the other meeting. Later, go back and clean up.

Who was that who said, "Dovetail?"

1 comment:

Kaye Butler said...

Um (clearing throat) You said Dovetail....