Thursday, September 20, 2007

Brought to You By...

Remember Sesame Street? Our daughter watched hours and hours of this wholesome TV show, and as far as I know it is still on today, maybe this morning even.

"This day is brought to you by the letter A and the number 8," etc.

So she is all grown up and today's funeral director is brought to you by the Numbers 6045 and 6046. Her numbers. Her very own numbers! After three years of very hard work she finally has license numbers! And in a few more weeks she will have actual certificates which display these numbers, which show that she has official permission to fully practice her science/art of funeral directing and embalming.

Not a profession for just anyone, Amy is completely fitted to her work - she wants to help people, be of service, do a good job, seeks perfection and the exacting work required, enjoys being with people, but also in solitude, rises to the challenges presented with each case, and just overall loves her job. We're very proud of her. Who knew when our five-year old was sitting in front of the TV watching "The Count" that one day she would be in a similar line of work?
Okay, a little humor here... Of all solemn jobs, this one must have a little humor, people.

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