Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Off to Muni League "Camp"

This week I will have some solitude (with the exception of Oscar) (and Bitty) since Paul will be going to the summer meeting of the Municipal League. He so enjoys these biannual gatherings of mayors, city clerks, council members and other officials, and has made a ton of friends across the state over the last oh, probably close to 20 years, maybe more. He and I attended when he was on the city council and he goes to the summer and winter sessions each year now, with committee meetings in between. I've been some years since he's been mayor, but have to use my vacation time sparingly to make it last all year. He loves going!

And I have to admit I like going home to a quiet house. There's just something about the change in routine for a couple of nights. Of course I triple check the locks on the doors and set three alarm clocks so I can get up, and sleep with my cell phone. I'm so used to Paul flipping on the light switch in the mornings, or listening to the slam of the garage door, heralding his entrance back into the house and that last wake-up call. But now Oscar is pretty alarming especially if he just comes in and jumps up in my face to snuggle when the clock and radio go off. If he has already pounced up on the bed sometime during the night, we cuddle, tend to sleep pretty soundly, and hit the snooze button several times. I enjoy the quiet, dark house with no TV on, or just music on low volume. I like making a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich with Silk soy milk and potato chips for my supper, or going to McD's for a little cheeseburger, or eating a bowl of cereal and toast. If I'm in the mood, I'll watch an old movie on TCM or a couple of programs on HGTV. Or read. Or work on my Sunday School lesson. Come to think of it, we have pretty much the same routine when Paul's home, but it's just kinda nice doing it alone occasionally, when I know he's off having fun. (Tomorrow night begins a new Bible study, so I won't have as much down time at home, but looking forward to this and being with the girls again. And it's a Priscilla Shirer-written study.)

I know Paul's having a blast, too, at Camp Muni League, where they'll do their walk, get a free t-shirt, eat, visit, go to meetings (really!) pass resolutions, go through the health screening, go out to eat some more, see the exhibits, hear the speakers. I don't think they do handcrafts... I enjoy those conventions, too, and last night I told Paul that next year Oscar and I will go. Assuming we can stay in a dog-friendly motel. Or maybe Richard could keep him for a couple of nights, or he could go to the kennel in the country. (Oooh, that's almost too hard to think about happening! Could I leave my baby with strangers in a strange place? But they are good, and R has left Jazz there several times...)

Anyway, I'll have all the vacation I need then, and can lounge around in the room and read and not worry about laundry or going to wo.... oh, right, I won't have to go to work then! That's why I'll have all this time off!! I'll get to go to camp, too.
Camp accommodations... Looks pretty rustic to me.

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