Anyway, I am doing this post out of order... September 15 was Heather and Ben's baby shower - Mike and Marsha's son - first granddaughter! Tuesday Sara-Grace will be here around the end of November, near Mama's birthday.
The shower was a Mission Lighthouse Church, Mike & Marsha's, where the kids grew up.
Heather and Ben. This is Morgan's little dress someone made for her - Ben's sister.
Morgan's dress.
So sweet - new dad holding tiny crocheted baby shoes.
Dressed for the occasion! I gave her the Hello Kitty stuffed doll.
Ben's such a good sport.
A zoo theme.
Someone - Amy, I think - said it looked as if Jesus had balloons in the meadow. This is a beautiful mural around the fellowship hall walls.
Erica and Kiley looking at Tuesday's pretty Christmas dress. Heather said Tuesday was the first name she and Ben both agreed on. Of course, most of these folks are too young to know there was a Tuesday Weld... movie star...
I think Kiley got one of Amy's clothespins. She's pretty sharp and also got a couple of mine.
Marsha holding Tyler, Ben picking him up. Sue, Marsha and Darlene's mom, Darlene, Heather's dad Danny. Playing another shower game.
Amy and Uncle Mike. When Amy walked in, she said she had gotten a call for an embalming job and almost left, but came back. An hour didn't make a lot of difference. So glad she stayed. Seems like every time she comes, she gets a job, which is good. But two hours away, sometimes three and a half (Forrest City).
Guess how many jelly beans in the baby bottle. (There were 83; I forgot who won.)
Morgan writing down the gift items; April and Alvina, Heather's sister and mom.
Tyler and Morgan, April, Alvina.
"I'm gonna get you!"
One eye out on the grandson.
Other shower guests. The lady in pink is Lori, in my book club.
Quite a spread! I had already eaten a big lunch so I nibbled. It was all good.
Tyler's dad Steven getting the sippy cup fixed. Tyler eyeing his cupcake.
"Yep, good as I thought it would be!"
Another big gift. (Mine to her was a nursery lamp.)
They let some of the balloons float up in the sky; Tyler didn't quite know what to think - pretty but gone!
Kiley loved the balloons.
Following Daddy's footsteps.
"This is about her third cupcake!"
"Fun at our house tonight! Sugar high!"
Love Kiley's new haircut.
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